Welcome in the form to reserve IMY work placement experiences!
This form is not the contract and it is designed only to collect all the necessary data to organise the learning experience and to establish the costs. The prices indicated are the standards. After submitting, you'll receive a proposal of contract from IMY staff.
The contract will enter in force only after its signature by your side, so you have not any obligation at this stage.
In the form you can reserve and have the first quotation of the following services:
- IMY Mobility Full Package (workplacement + accommodation + language pack)
The IMY Work Placement & Language Course cost is calculated on a weekly basis and it includes work placement contract and insurance, mentoring and final certification, language and cultural training programme, accommodation and utilities, local taxes. The travel expenses for the visits of the cultural activities are included in the course fees.
- IMY Work Placement (workplacement + accommodation)
The IMY Mobility Work Placement Package cost is calculated on a weekly basis and it includes work placement contract and insurance, mentoring and final certification, accommodation and utilities, local taxes.
For any other information or to receive assistance in providing the asked data, please feel free to contact us any time or visit our FAQ section:
Head Office
Via Puccini 80, 51100, Pistoia, Italy
Phone +39 391 4245383